Thursday, January 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Heidi!

It is so hard to believe that Heidi is already one month old today! Where has all the time gone? I guess constantly changing diaper after diaper does make the time pass, but seriously! Heidi will go for her 1 month check up on February 8th so we'll see how she is measuring up to the average kiddo... my guess is she is above average for weight and length; she's growing like a weed! A good weed though!
Daily life is still bringing it's ups and downs for our family. Mike finally received his offer letter to take down to the border to stamp for his work permit, so he drove to the Coutts crossing to do that yesterday. Unfortunately his permit was rejected due to the wording of his letter!! Just when you think things are finally going right. According to his new employer it is just a technicality and they will have his permit approved by next week. It is unclear at this point if he will still be able to start his job on Monday, so we'll have to keep you posted on that. Please keep praying!
I still have not heard back from EBA Engineering, my former employer, about the job posting I applied for in Lethbridge. It is not that I necessarily want to go back to work, especially not this soon, but Mike is not starting off at the wage we were expecting for him, so the extra income will sure be needed. I am praying that (1) I receive the offer for my old position back, and (2) that they will be flexible with me and allow me to do a modified work week of 3-4 days a week. This way I can still spend several days at home but can help out financially too.
Things are still S-L-O-W in the house department all the way around. Our buyers in Abilene fell through AGAIN (this is a recurring theme), the assumption of the mortgage in San Angelo is going as slow as molasses, and a suitable home for rent in Pincher Creek has yet to open up for us. These are probably the largest and most stressful prayer items in our life right now. We pray for favorable resolution for all 3 situations in Jesus' name!
I am not sure if anyone (other than Jill!!) is reading our blog?? If you are lurking, reading, and enjoying what you see/read, please {PLEASE!!} leave us a comment so we know that you were here, otherwise we feel no one is reading and this is all for nothing. Thanks!!
Harrison thoroughly enjoying his dessert

Opening some belated Christmas gifts from Texas

Heidi putting in some tummy time

Happy 1 month Birthday baby girl

Daddy & his princess

Baby Heidi

A screamin' good time!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Big Dreams

Have you ever noticed that some people are big dreamers? I mean definitely bigger than others?? I have been very blessed in my life to know some HUGE dreamers that truly believe anything is possible if you focus your mind and efforts. Yet I have also known some people in my life who do not seem to have any dreams of a better life for themselves. This is sad to me. Maybe you have a different opinion on this and can enlighten me? I believe that as a child of the most high God we are called to live an above average life. I don't mean the North American lifestyles that we are all accustomed to, but I refer more to the quality of lives that we live. Yes, sometimes that may be seem or even look like "bigger and better" on the outside, but I can speak for myself that my personal motives on the inside are MUCH more than they appear on the outside.

I have also noticed that some people are dream crushers. I've never understood this philosophy but I have experienced this recently. I shared a personal dream or even call it a desire with someone this last week only to have it stomped on and ridiculed. This hurts if you are a dreamer. It didn't deter me, in fact it only made me focus more on the fact that I can accomplish it, regardless of what others say or how they feel. But why do non-dreamers feel like they have the freedom to do that to other people? I find it frustrating to say the least.

Specifically I want to always encourage our children that they can accomplish anything they desire with hard work, focus and determination, regardless for what other people say is possible. With God ALL things are possible!!

That being said, Mike and I share a dream we'd like to share with everyone else. We'd love it if you'd join us in prayer for our dream to become a reality one day. As most of you know Mike and I have done our fair share of moving since we have been married. It is our hearts desire to only have to move 2 more times in our life. The next move into a rental house until we can afford to build our own home - our dream home, our FOREVER home. Mike and I grew up very differently from each other - he moved a lot and I lived in the same house until I went to college. It is both our desires to provide a home where our kids know they can always come "home" to.

Part of our dream is owning a small parcel of land, about 50 acres so that the kids can have dirt bikes, horses and enjoy the country pace of life. The closer we get to moving to Pincher Creek for Mikes new job the more excited we are about this reality. Pincher Creek is a small town of about 3,000 people; it is located at the entry to the Rocky Mountains, 15 minutes from the Old Man Dam (great for summer water sports), 30 minutes from Castle Mountain Ski Resort (great for winter fun), and the views are breathtaking every where you turn. To own a piece of land out here would be considered our little slice of heaven. AND to build our own home from the ground up, the way we'd like to would truly be a dream come true!!

Here is the view from a piece of land that is currently for sale in the area. Unfortunately we are not in a position to do anything about it right now, but with prayer we have hopes that the right place will be available in God's perfect timing and that our time will come. The word promises that we are entitled to claim back 7 fold what the enemy has stolen from us and we believe that includes the home of our dreams!

Land with a mountain view

Front view

Main floor

Second floor

I pray that all your dreams will come true and that you will have the courage and strength to share them with other people who will help you and encourage you along the way!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Winter Wonderland

Good morning! I pray that this post finds you happy, healthy and bright-eyed this beautiful day. Last night there was a very thick fog rolling in when we went to bed and this morning we woke up to the most beautiful frost! I grabbed my camera and quickly took some snaps outside as Ginger did her "duties", and then rushed back inside to the warmth and my 2 crying babies. Mike is at work today so I am alone with the kiddos and stretched a little thin when everyone needs me at one time, including the dog. Such is the life of a stay-at-home mommy!
Not much planned for today, just keeping everyone changed, fed and happy. I love my job (most days)! This weekend we are off to Cochrane early Saturday morning to visit with our great friends, Paul & Cindy Janzen, for the weekend. We'll return Sunday afternoon in time to have dinner with my brother and his wife and my parents to celebrate Blair's new job. It is more than a new job for him, it is the first step towards his new career! I am so proud of him, he and Danielle had to make a very tough decision, especially in today's economic climate... they had to decide if he could take a pay cut in order to get his foot in the door for an apprenticeship for heavy duty mechanic. He'll work for a year then go to school for a couple months and then return to work, repeating this cycle for 4 years until he has completed his hours as a journeyman. Blair is an extremely talented mechanic - he has taken apart numerous vehicles, engines, etc and completely modified several vehicles into something new/different. It is easy for him and I know he is going to be very successful. I am so glad they are making the sacrifice to enjoy the benefits later down the road. Way to go Blair (and Danielle, too!)
We have been blessed with an extra week of work for Mike before he officially starts his new position on February 1, so today marks the first day of many that I will be solo at the house. I am looking forward to this change in our family dynamic. Don't get me wrong, it has been amazing having my husband home to help out on a daily basis and quite honestly I don't know where I'd be without him, especially with recovering from the c-section. This is the next step though and I am ready. I know I wouldn't be wrong in saying WE are ready. It is something I've said before but I am so grateful that God made my husband a hard worker, and Mike is definitely ready to get back to work. I know he is created to accomplish something everyday and to provide for his family and I praise God that Mike is getting that opportunity again.
Please continue praying for our houses to sell, they are so close!! Prayer is also needed for a house for us to rent in Pincher Creek. Thank you for stopping in, reading, praying, and leaving us your comments!

Up close and personal

frost crystals

Frosty farm

This is not a hill, it is a snow drift! And yes, that is
a truck & boat in the background!!


Sledding with Daddy

Olympic swag


Sneaking a kiss!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Olympic Spirit


One of four torch relay runners in Coalhurst, AB

Yesterday Mike, Harrison, Heidi and I got bundled up in our warm winter gear and went to Coalhurst (about 20 miles away) to cheer and watch the Olympic torch relay. It was awesome! There were balloons, flags, hot chocolate and activities before the torch arrived. We saw the Coca Cola zamboni and received our limited edition Olympic torch aluminum bottle Cokes! There were actually 4 torch runners that participated in the Coalhurst leg of the relay before it was taken to Lethbridge yesterday evening. I overheard some people saying that each runner had the opportunity to purchase the torch that they had to carry and that a local company purchased all 4 torches for the Coalhurst runners. How cool is that?!

The Coke zamboni

Harrison and I were able to get up close with one of the runners and pose with the torch. Of course he wouldn't look at the camera but it sure made my day! Hopefully he'll be happy one day down the road when he has a picture of his Olympic moment. The weather was perfect, about +4C, which is much better than when a friend in Winnipeg saw it and it was -45C!!!

Very cool!

Usually I am a sap. I cry easily at touching movies, songs and even commercials. I couldn't help but be overwhelmed at how people come together to celebrate something that unites us as a country. I love the Olympics; always have and always will. I can't wait to start watching and cheering for our Canadian athletes.

security detail with the lit flame


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Precious Moments

Wow! What a difference a little good sleep makes. Last night was the first night that I was able to sleep laying down. I know that sounds weird but I've been sleeping in a recliner since I came home from the hospital because laying down on a bed really made my insides hurt. I guess my muscles are too weak to hold everything where it needs to be? Anyways, it was really REALLY nice to be able to sleep laying down again, that's for sure!

Today Mike had the opportunity to do a half day of work for my mom's boss, so I was on my own with the kiddos for the morning and early afternoon. Remarkably enough Harrison and Heidi were wonderful this morning! Harrison was an angel and obeyed me without any screaming fits and Heidi actually had good feedings this morning. I was even able snap a few photos! That's a great day in my books!

Harrison woke up bright and early this morning at 5:45 am so our day was off to an early start. It took me awhile but I was able to get myself and both babies dressed and upstairs for breakfast. This was an accomplishment for me! So far, so good.

Usually Harrison naps anywhere from 11 or 12 to 1 or 2, so today by the time nap time came around I was ready to crash too. Praise God that both babies slept at the same time and I was able to get 2 extra hours of sleep today! What a blessing!! As we were waking up Mike walked in the door, so it was perfect timing.

The biggest news today was that Mike's contract with work was finalized!! PRAISE GOD!! It is true, not just another false promise... he will start work as soon as his paperwork is approved, which they say will take about 5 days. Thank you Jesus! We have waited so long for this time to come, and now He has blessed Mike with a wonderful career. Here is the link to the site he will be managing - Kettles Hill Wind Farm. I couldn't be more proud of Mike! He has been frustrated for so long but has never given up or thrown in the towel, he has hung in there an done what he needs to do to provide for his family. I love you honey! This is a big deal and I can't wait for this new chapter in our marriage and family life. CONGRATULATIONS BABY!

So handsome, my big boy!
work, work, work

giving Heidi's feet a little tickle!

baby blues, so adorable!

Photos from the Fall

Here are some photos from this fall when Harrison and I were in Alberta (and Mike was still in Texas). Thanks for stopping in!
Pretty October frost

Fascination at the petting zoo


Hair in your eyes like a highland steer

Kali, Margaret, Grandma and Harrison at the corn maze
Thanksgiving weekend 2009

Lethbridge Corn Maze 2009

Kali, Harrison and Grandma at the corn maze

Harrison taking a ride on Lulu Belle

Grandpa, Blair and Harrison rounding up the cows for the auction

Mommy's helper

My little cowboy!! He's a natural!

Harrison and Grandpa taking Lucky for a ride

Harrison and Grandma gazing at the horses

Harrison and Uncle Blair carving the pumpkin

Our finished goofy smiling pumpkin

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Making Progress

If you look closely there are many ways we as a little family are making progress every day, and I am grateful for each and every step we take forward! Harrison is becoming a proud big brother, instead of a jealous little boy. I am so proud of him!! It is definitely an answer to our prayers. Now when Heidi squeaks or cries he says "uh-oh" in his concerned little voice, sort of like saying "Mommy is she ok?" It's really sweet. Much better than trying to hit her when I'm trying to nurse her, that's for sure!

This week we expect Mike to meet with his new boss to finalize their contract which is really exciting news. We have been without income since last March, so to say we are thrilled would be a huge understatement. We have found a house to rent (another answered prayer) but we need to bring in an income first so that we can pay our first months rent and deposit. Our prayer now is that it will still be available once we have the money. After that we will figure out how to get our stuff from Texas to Alberta - one step at a time!

After much deliberation and debate Mike and I have made the decision for me to return back to work. There are several reasons for this decision but the number one reason is because the cost of living in Alberta is so much more than in Texas. We are essentially starting from scratch again. We'd like to own a house again one day but that is going to take time. The company I worked for before moving to Texas is hiring for my position in their Lethbridge office so please pray that they will hire me back. I contacted my old boss and officially submitted my application/resume today, it was such a hard step to take! The posting closes on January 31, so I am praying for an interview within the next two weeks. My heart is torn because Heidi was just born and I feel like she is still so vulnerable and small. I am terrified to put her into child care but it is something we have weighed heavily. Please pray for our transition as a family as we make this giant change in our life. I pray for affordable Christian child care to be available once we are ready. I know the Lord will provide this for us too!

Thanks for reading and thank you for your prayers! We love you all!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sweet Babies

Today was the first day that I was by myself with both the kids since returning from the hospital with Heidi. Our morning went fairly well, except when Harrison pretends to cry if hears Heidi fussing. I am sure like most of his little behaviors lately that he just wants attention from Mommy and Daddy. This too shall pass, right? I was finally able to catch Heidi with her eyes open although they were a little crossed! Oh well, still cute!!
cross-eyed and pouty with sparkling blues

sleeping sweetly


so proud of his baby sister

big kiss

white beard the dishwashing pirate!

Daddy and Heidi

A very proud Grandpa with Heidi

sweet angel