I have also noticed that some people are dream crushers. I've never understood this philosophy but I have experienced this recently. I shared a personal dream or even call it a desire with someone this last week only to have it stomped on and ridiculed. This hurts if you are a dreamer. It didn't deter me, in fact it only made me focus more on the fact that I can accomplish it, regardless of what others say or how they feel. But why do non-dreamers feel like they have the freedom to do that to other people? I find it frustrating to say the least.
Specifically I want to always encourage our children that they can accomplish anything they desire with hard work, focus and determination, regardless for what other people say is possible. With God ALL things are possible!!
That being said, Mike and I share a dream we'd like to share with everyone else. We'd love it if you'd join us in prayer for our dream to become a reality one day. As most of you know Mike and I have done our fair share of moving since we have been married. It is our hearts desire to only have to move 2 more times in our life. The next move into a rental house until we can afford to build our own home - our dream home, our FOREVER home. Mike and I grew up very differently from each other - he moved a lot and I lived in the same house until I went to college. It is both our desires to provide a home where our kids know they can always come "home" to.
Part of our dream is owning a small parcel of land, about 50 acres so that the kids can have dirt bikes, horses and enjoy the country pace of life. The closer we get to moving to Pincher Creek for Mikes new job the more excited we are about this reality. Pincher Creek is a small town of about 3,000 people; it is located at the entry to the Rocky Mountains, 15 minutes from the Old Man Dam (great for summer water sports), 30 minutes from Castle Mountain Ski Resort (great for winter fun), and the views are breathtaking every where you turn. To own a piece of land out here would be considered our little slice of heaven. AND to build our own home from the ground up, the way we'd like to would truly be a dream come true!!
Here is the view from a piece of land that is currently for sale in the area. Unfortunately we are not in a position to do anything about it right now, but with prayer we have hopes that the right place will be available in God's perfect timing and that our time will come. The word promises that we are entitled to claim back 7 fold what the enemy has stolen from us and we believe that includes the home of our dreams!

Land with a mountain view
Front view

Main floor

Second floor
I pray that all your dreams will come true and that you will have the courage and strength to share them with other people who will help you and encourage you along the way!
You go girlfren'! I am SO ON THE LIST OF DREAMERS=REALITY!!!! I will be praying for that parcel of land to be YOURS!!!! You deserve it & I completely agree about 'home'. Can't wait to visit in your new home! It looks beautiful!!!!!! xxxx