So why am I on the computer then?! Good question! I just wanted to write a quick post to brag on my little man, Harrison. Today we (mainly I) decided that we are long past due putting him in a "big boy" bed to sleep. He turned 2 back in May, he's potty trained, but he was still sleeping in a crib. WAS!! YEAH!!! Today I rearranged the bedroom that the kiddos share and asked Harrison if Heidi could have his old crib if he could have a new BIG BOY BED? I am so proud of him for saying YES! I think he was more ready for it than any one else!
I put the twin mattress on the floor so there wouldn't be far to fall, just in case. He jumped around on it this afternoon, we snuggled on it, and then we read stories together on it. I made sure that Heidi stayed off (at least for the first day) just to keep it extra special for him. I put him down for his afternoon nap on his new bed and while he slept I prayed it would be a great experience for him. He didn't budge!! He was obviously comfortable and he had a great sleep and stayed dry too, which means he wasn't stressed out. Praise God!!
When Grandma and Grandpa came home from work he was really proud to tell them about his new BIG BOY BED and he gave them each a personal tour. Too cute!
Tonight bedtime was a cinch, too. Harrison has a night snack (grapes and goldfish tonight), then we read his bible and say our prayers, then I tuck him into bed quietly because Heidi has already been asleep for an hour by then. It went off without a hitch, and he was just as excited to go to bed tonight as this afternoon. I am just SO proud of him and his willingness to learn new things and to be obedient!!!
Wow. In my mind I had worked up this day to be so much more than it has turned out to be. Thank goodness it didn't turn out like I thought it might. I am so grateful that this was a "non-stress" change in what has already been a crazy year of change for the BurnettBunch.
Something tells me we're not done yet!
Lots of love,
Momma J
Well if this doesn't make you giggle, then I
think you may need to look into getting your
funny bone replaced.
Goodnight y'all!
Ha ha! Heidi Jo! So adorable!!! Yay for Harrison & his Big Boy Bed!!! And Yay for Momma J for coping with the kidlets all on her own! Aunty Jo sends her love! xxxx