Monday, January 3, 2011

Exercise More - Eat More

Today was the big day... back at it with the triathlon training after not doing much since August. Sigh.  Well, the morning was off to a rough start since a little someone decided to curl up beside me around 2:30 am.  I finally scooped Harrison up and carried his snoring little body back to his own bed around 4:45.  Something told me I was not going to make my 7 am wake up call to be at the gym by 8.  I was right.  I slept in until Harrison brought me my second wake up call at 8:15. "Time to woke up, Mom".  Who can resist that, and his big brown eyes to boot!

We got up and I had an apple for breakfast that didn't taste very good.  It was a Jonah Gold. Don't buy them unless you like Red Delicious apples. Yuck.  I never bought them before so I didn't know what I was getting, but I'll never buy them again.  False advertising! red delicious in Fuji clothing!!  I like my apples cold, crisp and slightly sour/tart tasting. Oh well.

Harrison finished eating and off we went to the Y so I could workout and he could go to play group.  He loves going to school, church, and any other group where there's going to be other kids.  Daddy and Heidi were staying home to hang out, and this way Ms. Heidi wouldn't miss her nap.

I started my workout with a 45 minute strength training session.  I like to work my complete body, not just upper or just lower. It was challenging but not too tough. I didn't work my arms too hard because I knew I still needed strength to swim! It sure felt good to be training again though!  After the weights I got changed for the pool.  I was bombarded in the locker room by about 20 elderly women getting ready for their aquasize class.  I sure hope I'm at least that active when I'm older!  One woman asked me where she's seen me before.  I told her the truth.  I must have a generic face because I hear that nearly every where I go, doesn't matter if I've never been there before.  I introduced myself and told her now she knows me from the Y.  How funny!

In the pool I started a 10 minute warm up of easy effort freestyle.  It felt good to be back in the water although my new cap, goggles and nose plug all felt... well, new. They were tighter than normal and I felt slightly claustrophobic.  I had also never been in this pool before, not that it should make much difference, but I just felt a little off.  I started my main session which was supposed to be 30 minutes of non-stop swimming, but after about 200 yards I felt very faint and dizzy and had to take a break.  I realized that I had not eaten enough for breakfast and that this feeling wasn't just going to go away.  I swam at an easy pace, taking breaks as needed, until I had completed 30 minutes total, instead of my planned 45.  I will plan better next time and realize that I need (1) more time to eat and (2) better options of what to have.

Lesson(s) learned!  Tomorrow is my first bike/run session of 2011.  Yay!!  Harrison finished the morning with a trip to the bank, a haircut for Harrison (woohoo for $7.95 family cuts!) and a quick stop at Office Depot.

Now for a little down time at home - maybe.  Or house cleaning.  Hard choice to make!  I like my rest but I also enjoy a clean home. Hmmmmm.  Such a cliff hanger, I know!!  I'll keep you posted.


1 comment:

  1. You go Mama J! Sorry it didn't go as planned, but you're taking action! That's the biggest & hardest step to take! I'm so proud of you! I only like Granny & Fuji apples. Hard, juicy & tart - and sometimes sweet! I like what you told the lady in the gym. I'm never that quick thinking! Maybe I'll remember that for next time! I LOVE the new blog look - in case I forgot to mention it! xxxx Miss you! No package yet? :o(
