Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mother's Day Out

Both Harrison and Heidi are attending a Mother's Day Out program here in Abilene and the absolutely LOVE it!  I take them on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 8:30 - 12:15. They eat lunch there and then when I pick them up we head straight home for nap time.  It allows me the much needed time for appointments, errands and Me time, and they love the social interactions.  It's fun because it is held at a different church than where we attend, so it's a new circle of friends and life.

I would love to scan some of their art projects into the computer to share them, but that will have to wait until I actually have a scanner here! Ha!  The projects are precious to say the least though. I've started a Rubbermaid treasure box for them already :) Such a proud Momma!

What's really cute is that they both were enrolled soon enough to get school pictures taken this year! They turned out great! A few lucky recipients should be watching your mailboxes for our Christmas cards and the school pictures!

We are having such a wonderful time just being connected in Abilene.  No more loneliness (as far as being isolated goes) and lots to do.  They even have a really fun indoor place called Jump Around which is just a few huge bounce houses on foam pads for the kiddos to run and jump around in. It's fun and cheap ($2 drop-in).

We have school MWF, church on Sunday/Wednesday, and other activities in between.  In January Harrison can start soccer at the YMCA (where I go).  I am SO excited for him to run around and have fun with the other kids!

Heidi is still learning how to walk.  And even at that, she really isn't that interested in learning!  She will pull up on furniture (what little we have) but cannot stand without it yet.  I know it will happen in due time.  No rush!  I cannot believe that she turns 1 in less than a month! I finally accepted the reality of it and bought some invitations.  We'll be waiting until the first week of January when Daddy gets home to have her a party in Abilene.  Maybe we will do one with family in Bangs on her actual birth day :)

Life is great! We miss Daddy daily, but we also release him to do his work. We are so grateful to have a great job when so many don't. Especially since we didn't for so long.  It is a season of personal sacrifice but the kids see him every day on the web cam and they love it.  We are definitely looking forward to seeing him in January though!! 

1 comment:

  1. So thrilled that your life is filled with activities that keep everyone happy & healthy! Miss you heaps & can't wait to visit & experience your world in Abilene!! I'm sad that Mike can't be with you for Christmas, but I know you'll have an extra special Christmas celebration in January! Big hugs from Aunty Jill! xxxxx
