Breathe in the fresh, cool air of autumn. I love the fall, it is my favorite season by far. Warm, sunny days followed by crisp, cool evenings. The weather is agreeable too, especially in Alberta where it is still nice out and we have yet to see the first of that "S" word. SNOW. When I was a kid growing up here it was a regular occurrence to have the first snowfall the last week of October, or on Halloween, which always made things interesting. I've heard before "you know you're Canadian when you sew your Halloween costume to fit over your snow suit!" Until then, we will continue enjoying the beautiful weather at my parents farm near Fort Macleod, Alberta.
Since arriving in Alberta in August Harrison has been having a really great time getting reacquainted with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Blair and his new Aunty Danielle. His favorite passtime is definitely driving any type of equipment with Grandpa; the golf cart, the lawn mower, and several different tractors. Grandpa even took Harrison to work to drive the huge front end loader that fills up the dump trucks. I don't know who was happier that day, Harrison or Grandpa!
Sadly we miss Daddy on a day-to-day basis. Mike is still in Texas looking for work. Our piece of good news this week was that Mike had his final State Trooper interview today! He said it went really well and received good feedback from the recruiting officer. It will take about 2-3 weeks for us to hear if he is invited to attend the 3 days of testing in Austin or not. I am fully confident that God has created Michael for this career, and that he has spiritually equipped him for success!! We are so proud of you honey, keep working towards your goals!
Everything is going well on the pregnancy front too. I am now 26 weeks and 2 days along making the countdown until the due date only 13 weeks and 5 more days. We will actually have Audrey sooner than our due date, anywhere from 10-14 days earlier. It does not seem "real" yet that we are about to have a new born daughter and a 19 month old son at the same time. WOW. I hope we're ready!!
Speaking of getting ready I have started making lists... oh how I wish I could avoid this compulsion! I guess it is my own little way of feeling prepared. Yesterday I made a baby list and then created a couple of gift registries online (Wal-Mart, Target, and Babies 'R' Us) which is always fun. For Audrey we thought we wouldn't need as much stuff as we did with Harrison but a lot of our stuff was borrowed and has been returned so there are a few items that we still need to locate.
I've also been keeping busy with paperwork galore. I am requesting a Canadian Citizenship certificate for Harrison which I found out takes 10 months! At least the process is started though. I also need my passport renewed. We are heading up to Calgary bright and early tomorrow morning to the passport office to submit all my documents. I can't get back home to Texas until my passport is renewed because is expires in November, so hopefully all goes smoothly with it.
Next week Harrison and I are starting to attend a toddlers play group at a nearby town. It is only twice a week, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9-12 but it will definitely help burn off some of the extra energy he has. It will also be really good for him to have some social interaction with kids who are a little bit older than he is. I'm excited to see how he does with it next week.
I think I should stop writing for today, or maybe break it up into 2 posts. Hope everyone is doing well, I look forward to hearing your comments.
Love Always,
The Burnett Family
ooooh I'm your first comment! I love reading your updates. You have such a way with words. You are always on my heart and in my prayers. I know God has great plans for the Burnett family. Trust in him and he will make your path straight :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Cindy! It was so nice seeing you this morning, even if it was only for a little while. I'm already looking forward to catching up in person in October. Love you!