Monday, December 20, 2010

Do It Again!!!

I am SO, SO, SO, SO, SO thrilled to share with you the testimony of healing that I was blessed to witness this week!!!  For weeks and weeks I having been praying and seeking the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth, just like the bible says.  I've been asking God to show me what it looks like, what it feels like {etc} for healing, miracles and signs and wonders to be a part of my every day life. Yesterday [Sunday] He answered my prayer!!

Several weeks ago during a powerful time of worship at church the Lord gave me a word of knowledge for the healing of feet.  I tested it in my spirit to make sure it was the Lords voice because I was nervous about wrongly sharing something and then I approach our Pastor and shared the word with him.  He had me stay on the platform to share the word publicly, and all I said was "The Lord has impressed on me that he wants to heal peoples feet this morning, and I want to pray for you."  I didn't know if it meant bones, muscles, disease etc, so I didn't specify any further than "feet".  While I was on the platform the crowd parted and there was a woman there with crutches and an cast on her leg!!

When I stepped down to pray for her I conducted a brief "interview" so I could understand what to pray for specifically. She had broken her foot and it was still on the mend and was causing her much pain and inhibiting her daily life.  So I started praying and in my mind thought "Lord, you brought the word, so here we go!"  After praying for a couple minutes I asked her if she felt any better. Carol said that the pain had mostly gone [praise God!] and so I continued to speak to her foot; that new bone would grow perfectly in place and that any muscle issues would also be healed.  I asked her if she could put any pressure on her foot that would have normally caused her pain and she could [praise God, again!] After the ministry time she told me that she had an appointment with her orthopaedic specialist the very next day; I told her I was very excited to see what he said about her healing! She also mentioned that she can only attend church every so often because of her job.  I hadn't seen her since the Sunday I was able to pray for her.  Fast forward to this week.

So, this Sunday at church during greeting time I saw someone in front of me, with their back towards me that looked vaguely familiar.  It took me a moment to realize it was the same woman... without crutches!!!  I quickly made my way over to her and once we made eye contact tears rushed to her eyes as I looked at her with expectancy.  "Yes!!" was all she could managed to say.  She was completely healed, no more broken bones, no more crutches!!! Praise God for His faithfulness!! Wooooooo!! We both danced around to celebrate!!

I've recently learned that the root of the word testimony [ud] in Hebrew means "to do it again".  So in Revelation 19:10 it says "the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy".  I have heard it taught and fully believe that when we share prophetic words and testimonies it is saying that God wants to do this again for someone, in the now moment!!  

The purpose of prophetic words are to either foretell a coming event or they release such a change in present circumstances that it becomes a catalyst for immediate change.  {Which is simply what I shared a couple of weeks ago} Think of it this way: the spoken or written record/testimony of anything that God has already done carries with it an anointing to either change present circumstances or to declare what is coming. [Bill Johnson]


What is really astonishing is that the testimony doesn't end with the bone healing!  That same morning I was introduced to another lady who had come to church for the first time in many, many years.  She told me that when she heard the word given about the healing of feet she immediately knew that was why she was at church that morning! [Yay God!]  She has been a hairdresser for over 20 years and her feet always hurt and were very swollen.  A friend and I were blessed enough to pray with her and because of the love of Jesus that she felt, she gave her life to the Lord!! WOOOOOOO!!!  A couple weeks later she found me to tell me that her feet have hardly hurt since the day we prayed for them!  GOD IS SO AWESOME!!

I pray that you are blessed by reading this testimony today and that together we can all celebrate Gods faithfulness and willingness to duplicate miracles!  May we each come into an understanding that heaven is meant to touch earth every day!  I am so excited for personal breakthrough in the healing ministry and I am ready to see God do it again and again and again!!! All we have to do is step forward in faith and share of His good works.  Hallelujah!!

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