Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'd like a dry, skinny, single-shot cappuccino, please :)

I find it so crazy how the coffee culture has it's own language.  I am slowly learning but every now and then someone who (seemingly) knows their stuff will throw me a curve ball!  Keeps me on my toes!  I want to thank all of you out there who generously tip your local Barista.  I generally make anywhere from $5-$10  in tips per day, which I really didn't expect.  This has become my triathlon savings fund! So thank you from one very grateful Barista!

All has been fairly quiet on the triathlon training front lately and I am having a hard time getting going again.  Taking a week off to heal my thumb and to deal with our birthday marathon have really knocked my motivation off track.  I am also on the verge of achieving a large weight loss goal (the first large step of many to come) and I just can't seem to get past it.  It makes me wonder and think if it is a mental/emotional block in my life?  I desperately want to shed all the extra pounds that I have carried around for so many years! Why is my body holding on to them?  I pray that the Lord will give me the strength and dedication to blow through this hurdle and move onto better things in my life!

For the long weekend Mike, the kids and I travelled to Edmonton to spend some great time with Jim, Paula, Josh and Cole Tetz.  Paula is my Aunt and is my mothers youngest sister (of 8), so we are more like sisters than anything.  I love their family! Josh is 4 and a very sweet boy. Overall he is gentle and caring but as Paula says "he's upper management material".  When you ask him to do something (like get up and get something) he'll very casually say "Cole will do it"!! HAHA! And Cole does.  Josh is the boss and Cole is the happy worker. It is so interesting to observe their family dynamic.  Jim and Paula have done such an awesome job parenting. The boys are generally calm and very obedient which nothing short of a miracle.  I always thought a family of just boy would be wild and crazy, but Paula has definitely proven that line of thinking wrong!  I hope that Mike and I can get on the same page sooner rather than later and become more consistent with how we are raising our family. There's always something to work towards!

The weather in Edmonton was rainy (like most of the province) but the boys enjoyed themselves anyway.  You can tell Harrison doesn't have his own yard to play in because Josh and Cole lasted only a little while in the colder weather but we practically had to drag Harrison inside (literally kicking and screaming) because he just wanted to keep playing.  I hope when the good weather is here to stay that we can get him to the park on a daily basis.  The Tetz's gave him a sand toy kit for his birthday and I'm thinking he'll use it everyday once the weather improves! Later that evening I had fun getting all the boys in the tub for a final scrub before bed!

On Sunday we visited the West Edmonton Mall, did some sightseeing, window shopping and took the kids on a few rides in Galaxy Land. Harrison loved the train and riding on the cars. When Harrison rode the motorcycle and I rode with him it definitely made me motion sick. I just can't handle rides like I used to be able to!  Mike took Harrison on the train while Heidi and I watched and waved. Overall we had a lot of fun!

I was able to get some real shopping done while Mike took the kids back to the Tetz's to nap. The Gap and Banana Republic are outlet stores in the South Edmonton Common shopping center and they were both 40% off the entire store on Sunday.  I was able to buy men's GAP jeans for $13.00 a pair! What a bargain! I bought clothes for Heidi, Mike and Harrison at great deals.  I didn't spend anything on myself since I am between sizes anyway. That evening we prepared for our drive home on Monday, and hung out with Paula, Jim, Wes and Susan (another of my moms sisters). We had a great time learning new card games Up the River and Golf.

Monday morning we packed and drove out to Sue and Wes's for brunch. The boys played a little more, we enjoyed delicious sausage and omlettes, and then we were escorted to view Jim & Paula's new acreage.  They are building a new home in an acreage community called The Highlands. It is a very classy neighborhood with lots of young kids and I think that their family will be very happy there!  Congrats to The Tetz's!!

That about sums up our weekend. We had a fantastic time but we are also glad to be home and sleeping in our own beds again.  I am contemplating when to transition Harrison to a toddler bed. I am thinking of waiting for a couple more months, until is is completely used to sharing his bedroom with Heidi (and she hopefully stops teething).  Thanks for following us, keep reading and posting!

The Burnett Bunch

1 comment:

  1. Jenn, I've loved keeping up with you guys since you've been gone. I hope you get back up in training for your triathalon! What an amazing goal!!

    Also, I finished reading a book about a month ago called Loving Your Kids On Purpose by Danny Silk. It was truly transforming. In fact, I need to read it again to refresh again! Order it online. Love you!
