Where is spring?? Since the weather has literally kept us inside for a couple weeks now, raining and snowing on and off, I’ve decided to make the most of it by working out at the gym (indoors) and picking up a few good books to read. For triathlon training I have decided to focus on my weakest portion, the run. I picked up a used copy of “Running Start to Finish” by John Stanton, founder of the Running Room, and “No Need For Speed; a beginner’s guide to the joy of running” by Runner’s World columnist John Bingham. I’ve started with Running Start to Finish, and even though I have just barely started it has really encouraged to make running a daily part of my lifestyle and to set some new goals for myself in the running department. I’ve been very discouraged lately as my weight loss had stalled out for a couple weeks (a plateau, I think), and my training partners have been dropping like flies, for various reasons. I really needed a positive lift and this book seems to set me back on track! I plan on reporting more good news about this soon!
I also picked up some parenting books. I truly believe in parenting with a purpose or “on purpose”, not with the goal of just making it through the day (or hour!) I really wanted a used copy of “Have a New Kid by Friday” since I’ve heard such fantastic reviews about it, but our local bookstore didn’t have it in. Actually, our church in San Angelo held parenting classes based on that particular book so I look forward to having the opportunity to read it one day. I did however pick-up a couple books by Dr. James Dobson “Dare to Discipline” and “Bringing Up Boys”, of course, both biblically based.
I also purchased “Boundaries with Kids”, which is the book I decided to start with. It is also biblically based and very good so far. I didn’t think that any parenting book would be a page turner but I haven’t wanted to put it down since I started it yesterday! It really puts into perspective that our goal as parents should be to help our children develop the character to make their futures go well. I especially agreed with the philosophy of denying your child some privileges now (by setting boundaries, and consequences) so that they can have successful marriages and careers of their own one day. It seems so simple, like all parents should think that way, but I must admit that I don’t always have that perspective. That is all changing though!
Since visiting Edmonton Harrison, Heidi and I have all come down with another cold. I sure hope we see consistent sunshine soon so we can all get and stay healthy!!
Friday was exciting for us because we purchased a tent trailer! This will mean many warm weekends of camping for us this summer, with friends, with family, and hopefully a few trips with just the Burnett Bunch. You'll have to wait for some pictures because we aren't bringing it home for a couple of weeks yet. It is old (1974), and very retro with bright yellow counter tops but it has a sink, stove and fridge. I think it’s perfect for us!
Not much else new to report. We are counting down the days until Mike goes to Texas to bring our belongings home. I am also counting down the days until my first triathlon… only 70 more training days to go! Time to literally step it up! Happy trails!
Josh, Cole & Harrison enjoying tub time
Time with Daddy
Shopping at West Edmonton Mall
Heidi Jo, 5 months old
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