May is a crazy month for our family. We start out with Cinco de Mayo, also known as Harrison's birthday. This year since Daddy was in Colorado for work and couldn't make it home we just had a very small party at our home. It was hot, so we had food, cake and ice cream and sprinklers and the little wading pool for the kids. Harrison had been practicing singing Happy Birthday to himself for about 5 days prior to his birthday and didn't stop for about a week after, so it was a LONG birthday for him! We opened gifts on the morning of his birthday from Mommy, Daddy & Heidi and from Grandma & Grandpa in Canada. He loved his cowboy hat because it's just like Grandpa's and his Buzz Lightyear from Laura.
Later that day several sweet friends came by and dropped gifts off for Harrison! He loves his 2 new Bug Rangers dvds and his Lightning McQueen water wings and swim goggles. At his party we were blessed to have lots of family come from out of town, especially Harrison's cousins from Tyler, TX and Mike's Memaw. It was very special that she made the hot trip to celebrate the day with us.
Earlier that week Harrison, Heidi and I made some red velvet birthday cake for Mike, baked it in some mason jars, and sent it to him in Colorado. What a fun way to celebrate even though we were apart! We made enough to share with his co-workers even though I'm not sure it ever got shared! Mother's Day and Mike's birthday were on the same day this year and then my birthday was a four days later. Fun times! Add in there Mike's dad & brother, Mike's parents anniversary and my parents anniversary it's almost as much as having Christmas and New Year's with Heidi's birthday in between!
We survived and it was wonderful. We look forward to being all together next year and maybe having birthday week away somewhere :)
who knew you could bake cakes in a jar!?
roses from my love
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