I cannot believe that Harrison is going to turn 3 next month! Wow! He is such a great little man - he really is. He has become very protective of his little sister, which I love, and he is just stretching himself in leaps and bounds. He is trying so hard to learn his alphabet and can count to 20 most days. He loves to sing songs and create. He is still all boy though and loves to crash and destroy too! I just love everything about the boy of God he is becoming!
Ms. Heidi Jo is still not walking. She can walk several steps at a time by herself but just refuses to. I know it will happen all in her own time but she is 24 pounds now and getting a little hard to carry around!! She is funny in her very own way, and definitely steals the show with her little scrunched up nose smiles. She is so happy and content - I truly count myself blessed!
Mike is doing well in Colorado. He is working 12 hour shifts at night, so we generally get to see him online or talk once a day in the late afternoon before he goes to work. It is hard, dirty work repairing the steam generators, but I think he is enjoying putting his hands to work. I know the Lord will bless the fruit of his labor!
I'm doing great too! My life has become a little more busy then I'd like it to be, so I'm trying to find that balance again. I am loving ministering freedom and healing to whomever the Lord brings across my path, and I am really, really enjoying the study Made to Crave with some friends. Not too much else happening in our family life, just really savoring our slow pace of life. It really is wonderful when you can slow down enough to enjoy the little joys in life like family.
A big hello to Grammy, Grampa, Uncle Blair and Aunty Dan in Canada. We miss you all and love you very much! Harrison and Heidi both send big hugs and sloppy kisses!!
The Burnett Bunch
My handsome hubby & I
Heidi safely at work!
Car ride!
I understand completely about Vitamin D, sunshine & how wonderful it feels! We don't know what we're missing out on until we experience something different! You are such a beautiful family! I love the photo of Heidi in the safety glasses! She's growing so quickly! And Harrison is such a wonderful little boy! 3 already! My goodness!!! And you are so beautiful my friend. I can't wait to see the transformation - adding only more to the incredible woman, wife, mother & friend that you are!!! xxxx Aunty Jill