If Mike wasn't home I wouldn't have been able to get this cute layout completed today, but thankfully my honey lets me indulge in my addiction, er, I mean hobbie!
I created this layout today while following a tutorial online, so it's not part of a current album that I'm working on or anything. Just a practice piece.
So? What do you think? Pretty neat how you can't tell that it's all digital and not made with paper! I can't wait until the day I actually complete my first album. Truth be told I am still working on getting an album of Mike and I finished before I even start the kiddos... I am WAY behind but the good news is that I'm slowly getting organized on my new Mac and I'm getting the hang of my new version of Photo Shop Elements. Fun, fun! Thank for letting me share another one of my passions with you.
God Bless,
Are you going to print it with *Shutterfly*?!? :oP Looks fabulous! xxxx