Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Big, Huge Announcement!

It is nice and refreshing to have a new month starting even though it is the second last month of the year already!!  Where has all the time gone?

I have a very exciting announcement to make! If you are really observant you may have noticed a couple new gadgets added to to the sidebar menu on my blog.  One is "Partner with Me" and the other is a ticker tracking "Thailand Missions Trip Fundraising!!"  That's right, I'm going to Thailand!

I am SO excited about the opportunity that the Lord has presented to me through my school TSSM.  A small group of students and instructors will be going to Thailand for 2 weeks in March 2012 to minister to women and children affected by the horrendous sex trafficking that occurs there.

As you read the next paragraph really truly allow your heart to FEEL something.  Don't shut down and pretend it doesn't exist.  Just take in the scenario...

What would you do if a 10 minute walk from your house put you in the middle of cheap hotels where babies, toddlers, children, teens and adults were available for sexual purposes? What would you do if you had to walk by these places and know there was no way to help them? What would you do if you passed by children sleeping on the streets during the day because they were up all night on the beach selling gum and themselves to tourists? What would you do if you saw an old man pay for taking pornographic photos of children? What would you do if you saw a 10 year old boy following an old man into a rent for an hour hotel room? Would you stop? Would you turn your head? Or would you ask God what He wanted to do about this?

On the mission trip we will be directly partnering with an ministry that is established in the middle of the red light district, in Pattaya, Thailand.  The Bridge Children's Center:

*Provides a place full of the lighthope and love in the midst of darkness.

*It is a daytime Early Learning Center for children of ex-bar girls who are studying and working towards a better future for their children.

*It is a nighttime Child Care Center for children whose parents are working in the walking street area and for tourists on the streets to have a safe fun place for their kids. 

*It is a place of mentoring, a place for parental help and training and  a place of encouragement for parents and children.

*It is a place of safety and refuge.

Over the next week or so you will be receiving a personal letter from me.  I would love to explain more about the mission trip and more details on how you can partner with this very important Kingdom work.  Together we can all make a difference.  Would it be worth it to save one child?  Jesus says yes! Stop for the one.

If you are as excited about this opportunity as I am and cannot wait to receive my partnership letter please go ahead and locate the DONATE button in the top left margin.  Donate once, or donate often!  All major credit cards, cash, checks, and money orders will be accepted.  

I look forward to you and I joining our hearts to Jesus' and making a difference!

Sunday, October 30, 2011


It's finally official.  The Burnett family has been ESTABLISHED in Abilene, TX!  Since Mike and I have been married we have always had part of our possessions divided - in another country, another city or another house.  After 4 years we finally have all we own under one roof. More importantly it is in a house in the city that God has called us to.  I will admit that it will be very, VERY nice to have a full arsenal of kitchen devices at my disposal, but this last move was FAR more significant than that.

I believe that finally having all parts of our lives in unity that we are unlocking an important spiritual key for our lives.  We shall see as things are revealed in the new season!

Now for sorting, selling and re-packing!!

Te amo mucho gusto,

Yes, slightly overwhelming

stuff galore!

boxes anyone?

way taller than my little people!

So grateful to have a path to the door!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Falling Behind...

What a summer!! I believe I heard several times that it was the hottest summer in Texas and replaced the record from 50 years ago.  That's HOT!  I think that we had 40+ days over 100 F.  So grateful that we have dipped consistently back into the double digit numbers, again. Thank you Lord!  We've even had a little rain - pair that with cool weather and we have green grass. Just in time for fall. How strange for this northern girl!

The mornings recently have been delightfully cool and crisp and have reminded me of autumn in Alberta.  I consider it a small kiss from God.  The season changes are something I miss most about Alberta.  Although I am happy to experience autumn now without the dreaded 6 months of pending winter & snow!

There have been many, many, many, MANY, changes in our life over this summer that I am excited to catch you up on.  I just need to keep repeating "I will sit down and write. I will sit down and write" so that I don't have to do it all at once.

Since my last post was dated in June I will try to summarize chronologically:

June & July:

We really just hung out at home, in the AC because it was way too hot to take little ones outside for very long.  By the time we were awake it was already 88-90F.  At the end of June we moved to a different house, still in Abilene.  We are literally 2 blocks away from Champions Church, which we love! I continued to train with my friend Amanda for a triathlon that we did together in San Angelo, TX on July 10.  I had a wonderful time; it felt so good to compete again! I did not have a road bike, so that is not a decision I will repeat ever again, but it was a fun race to ease back into triathlon again.

race prep, 6:20 am

getting body marked, #71

so glad to have a friend to race with!

pre-race meeting

Lake Nasworthy, San Angelo, TX

I attended a Discipleship class all summer, a worship conference and a women's conference, all wonderful and time well invested.


I started volunteering at our church as an administrative assistant, which was really a much answered prayer for me.  Being at home all day, every day without an adult outlet (since Mike is not home) was really "getting" to me, so I had been considering if I should return to work.  I really didn't feel like that was the right thing, and when the opportunity to volunteer at the church opened up it really made sense to me!  I absolutely love it there, it is just the right amount of time for me to be out of the home.

So with that, we had to find someone to care for the children while I was away.  We hired a lovely young mom from Oklahoma and the kids really loved her! We all loved having her baby, Grace, around too!

We made the decision to start Harrison in pre-K at Champions Christian Academy, which was really hard on me emotionally.  I wasn't sure I was ready to "let go" yet, but he was definitely ready for more than just Mommy could offer.  Now two months down the road I can confidently say it was the best decision we could have made for him!  He is thriving in his small class of 4 other children.  He is loved on, encouraged and stretched in all areas of life.  He loves going to school and looks forward to it every morning!

In August I made the commitment to attend school for myself.  I really felt God tugging at my heart strings to reach for the higher things of God and to go deeper in my understanding of His love.  I was accepted into the TSSM (Transformation School of Supernatural Ministry), which began classes in September.  I love it there.  I cannot begin to describe the process I am going through, but I am becoming a sold-out lover of Jesus who will pay any price to see Heaven on Earth!

On August 13, Mike and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary!  It is really, really hard to believe how much we have been through in 4 years.  It was hard being apart that day but Mike spoiled me with beautiful flowers and money to pamper myself.  He's so amazing!  Michael Burnett, I love you more that I did 4 years ago!


Harrison and I started school. I started working at our church. Hillary started as our nanny.  Life got very busy very quickly!  I sincerely thank the Lord every day for how smoothly we all transitioned into our new roles and environments.  I was concerned about how Heidi would feel being left at home without her big brother but she did so well.  Having Hillary's daughter here was such a blessing.  Days and weeks went by so fast, I can't believe that we are already nearing the end of October!

first day of school

first day of school

first day of school

with teacher, Ms. TIffany

literally crashed in mid play after his first day!

We attended an amazing intensive in Dallas called Re_Orient, taught by Kevin & Michelle Weaver.  It was held Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the NYLO hotel, Los Colinas.  This was an amazing experience, done in excellence and really encouraged Mike and I to pursue the Kingdom as disciples together.

Harrison swimming @ NYLO

pool area

cool egg-shaped beds


My honey!

Mike returned to work from Dallas, back to Oregon.  He is doing really well at work, just tired of being away for his family for such long periods at a time.  We miss him greatly and can't wait for God to open the door to something better for all of us! We know He will do it because He is faithful and loves us with an everlasting love. He really wants the VERY best for the Burnett Family!

That was pretty much our summer in a nutshell.  I look forward to writing more as the season changes yet again.  There is so much to share, so many praise reports of what God is doing in us, through us, and in Abilene.

Until next time...

Love & Blessings,

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Joggedy Jog, Bloggedy Blog

You read that right!! I'm jogging again.  Actually I like to picture myself as a runner.  I know I'm not quite there yet, but it's what I like to picture.  I have started training for another triathlon race - I'm so very, very excited about this.  My first race in Texas and the USA, second race ever.  It is September 11 in Grande Prairie, TX (part of the DFW metroplex).  I even have a friend wanting to train and race too - even more exciting!!

Brace yourself because I have bigger news than that.  Last week we had some friends over for dinner and as we were visiting and talking afterwards, our conversation drifted to running.  I casually said that I'd like to run a half marathon but I was aiming for the end of next year.  My sweet friend said that she had recently reviewed a half marathon training plan and was going to go for it this year, in November!  I'm so proud of her.

It made me think though.  After they left I was asking myself "why am I waiting until next year?"  Carpe diem, sieze the day!  So I texted her to say if she'd like the company then I'd train and run a the half with her in November. So crazy! We will be doing the Marathoning for Miracles race here in Abilene in support of Hendricks Hospital.

This is a huge goal for me.  Running intimidates me, probably because most who run are super lean and fit and seem to do it effortlessly.  That's not me.  But I'm still a runner and I still have goals.  Basically the half marathon is one step on the way to my ultimate goal which is to complete an Ironman by the time I am 35. Go Momma!

Haven't had much time for blogging since Mike has been away in Washington.  To be more accurate he is living and working in Oregon.  He flew into Washington, which is literally across the Columbia river.  So saying either place is fairly safe.  He is doing well at work, enjoying most days, and we are both so very grateful for the provision God has for us in this season.  Mike has been promoted at work and now supervises a 5-6 man crew.  I'm so proud of you honey!

My days are filled to the max with caring for our 2 lovely children.  As challenging and temperamental as they can be it is mostly fun and always rewarding.  It is exhausting though, I'm not going to sugar coat it!  It's tough being a "single" parent.  Thankfully I do not carry all the burden that a single parent does.  I am still blessed to stay home with them, instead of having to work to provide.  I definitely have much respect and compassion for all the single parents out there who still manage to make their kids their top priority.

We are mostly settled into our new house.  I am totally loving the neighborhood and being 3 minutes to our church.  I am sure I will like it even more once I have a jogging stroller with which to run around the neighborhood with.  We are hoping that the finances will be there in July for us to finally move all of our belongings to Texas from Alberta. What a glorious day it will be when all of us and all of our stuff will be unpacked in the same household.  My heart aches for it!

Burnett Swim Club


after a hard day at swimming

self portrait - Heidi didn't really get the idea!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Letter J

I just played this silly game on facebook:

Letter J...
Like: jewellery
Dislike: junk
Someone I Like: Jesus
Something bad: jealousy
Like and you get a letter

then it sparked a random thought.  I've been working on the "I dislike junk" statement - A LOT lately, especially since moving again.

I think that everyone has "that" place.  The counter that never stays clean and clear, or my personal pet peeve - the drawer of random odds and ends, the infamous JUNK drawer!  I'm not exactly sure when the need for clean came into my life because I know I wasn't always the tidiest child/adolescent (sorry Mom & Dad.)  Probably when I became a home owner for the first time, if I had to guess.  I really can't stand to see "junk" laying around.  It actually may be a very valuable item but if it is out of place and looks like clutter, it has to go! If you have ever seen the tv show Hoarders that is one of my worst nightmares!

My husband will attest to my motto: "Everything has it's place".  

I know especially as a mom and the keeper of the home it can be hard and even over-whelming to stay on top of the constant clutter.  My solution? Another motto: One thing at a time.  This applies to everyone in our home.  Use one thing at a time. When you're done, put it away. No coloring until the cars are put up.  Finish the laundry before starting another task (unless efficiently multi-tasking, the key being efficiently otherwise it is better to stick to one thing at a time.)

I specifically like how one thing at a time applies to helping clean up the clutter!  That huge counter covered with stuff looks over-whelming and it would be so easy to just put it off. Simply start by picking up one item and finding it's home.  I find it really makes a difference to deal with the mess in pieces instead of as a whole. Before you know it you have your space back!

That brings me to the end of my random thought.  Just say no to junk, ok?  Today's inspiration was brought to you today by the letter J!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sink or Swim

Oh. My.

Harrison loves his swim lessons! I thought he'd like them but I wasn't expecting he'd really LOVE them.  His teacher Ms. Stacey is awesome.  She is great with the kids, relates to them on their level and is patient yet firm; all qualities of an excellent teacher in my opinion!

There are 6 kids in Harrison's class, ages 3-5.  He looks like one of the tallest/oldest but he barely qualified age wise to take the lessons this year.  Everyone wears a floaty belt for the first 15 minutes of the lesson then they get the option to swim without their belts.

Well, of course Harrison chose "no belt" and jumped into the arms of his teacher from the ledge.  Then while another child was having their turn (when he was supposed to be hanging on to the edge of the pool) he decided to try again, without the teacher.  Under he went.  I panicked initially until I saw that both Ms. Stacey and the lifeguard were both springing to action.  I'm actually glad that he did it on the first day so that from now on he might be a little more careful!

Here's to 3 more weeks of great progress & fun!

Getting his belt on

patiently waiting his turn

what a cute class!

not quite getting the idea of "big" kicks

pulling himself out of the pool

chasing after the ball

just before he went under (no belt)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Moving Day: Take7

What a crazy week this was for our little family!  God showed up in a few major ways - love it when He does that!

On Thursday Mike and I were literally sitting around, each on a computer job searching that afternoon.  We were really expecting Mike to be home for awhile since he just returned from 2 months in Colorado. His phone rang and he had the strangest conversation that went something like this:
(I'll paraphrase)

Caller: "Hello Mike? Sorry we got cut off."

Mike: "Uh.... that's ok" he said very confused since he wasn't on the phone with anyone

Caller: "This is Mike Burnett right?  I was just talking with you and we got disconnected."

Mike: "Well this is Mike but we weren't talking."

Caller turns out to be Mike's boss: "Well what's your phone number? (Mike replies)  Yes, that's the number I wrote down as we were talking earlier.  Either way, I guess it's your lucky day.  Are you ready to head out to work?  I need you to leave for Pasco, Washington Sunday morning."

How funny is that!?!  He was talking to a totally different person but wrote down Mike's exact phone number and called Mike when he lost connection with the other person.  That's God's favor!!  Mike is not excited about leaving home again, especially so soon.  He was only home for 10 days, and is projected to be gone 3+ months.  He will only be 9 hours away from my parents!!  Hopefully once our van is repaired we will go visit him and do some camping with Grandma & Grandpa.

So this Saturday we had to RUSH our move.  Awesome friends from church pitched in, helped us move, and were so thoughtful and brought us lunch and dinner.  We got everything transferred in a 1/2 day! God is so good to us.

Dropping Mike off at the airport was traumatic as usual.  I bawled, Harrison screamed with hot tears and Heidi joined right in with us.  He arrived safely last night, picked up his work truck and settled into his hotel.  Thank goodness for internet and Skype, right?

Today is Monday and we are getting ready to head off to swim lessons!  Harrison is my little PIKE.  So excited for him.  You bet I'm going to be the Mom on the sidelines taking 1001 photos!

Happy Monday, y'all!!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Surviving Birthday Mania

May is a crazy month for our family.  We start out with Cinco de Mayo, also known as Harrison's birthday.  This year since Daddy was in Colorado for work and couldn't make it home we just had a very small party at our home.  It was hot, so we had food, cake and ice cream and sprinklers and the little wading pool for the kids.  Harrison had been practicing singing Happy Birthday to himself for about 5 days prior to his birthday and didn't stop for about a week after, so it was a LONG birthday for him!  We opened gifts on the morning of his birthday from Mommy, Daddy & Heidi and from Grandma & Grandpa in Canada.  He loved his cowboy hat because it's just like Grandpa's and his Buzz Lightyear from Laura.

Later that day several sweet friends came by and dropped gifts off for Harrison!  He loves his 2 new Bug Rangers dvds and his Lightning McQueen water wings and swim goggles.  At his party we were blessed to have lots of family come from out of town, especially Harrison's cousins from Tyler, TX and Mike's Memaw.  It was very special that she made the hot trip to celebrate the day with us.

Earlier that week Harrison, Heidi and I made some red velvet birthday cake for Mike, baked it in some mason jars, and sent it to him in Colorado.  What a fun way to celebrate even though we were apart!  We made enough to share with his co-workers even though I'm not sure it ever got shared!  Mother's Day and Mike's birthday were on the same day this year and then my birthday was a four days later.  Fun times!  Add in there Mike's dad & brother, Mike's parents anniversary and my parents anniversary it's almost as much as having Christmas and New Year's with Heidi's birthday in between!

We survived and it was wonderful.  We look forward to being all together next year and maybe having birthday week away somewhere :)

who knew you could bake cakes in a jar!?

roses from my love

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Blessings in the Park

Yesterday I settled the matter - I would get to the park and run in the morning.  We belong to the YMCA here in Abilene. It is such an awesome facility for families.  The membership is so reasonable too.  I know many people who pay more for a single membership then we do for a family rate. Every day I can drop the kids off for "play group" for up to 2 hours as part of our membership. I can workout inside, take a group class or run outside on the paths.  Other benefits are sports teams for kids.  Harrison is going to take swim lessons in June for 4 weeks and in the fall he will be registered for flag football!  I cannot wait for this! I am so excited to see 3 year-olds chasing each other around, too fun!

So this morning I stuck to my plan and after breakfast we headed to the Y for play group.  The kids literally run in they're so excited, which makes it much easier on me to go get some mommy time in.  I re-started a couch-to-5K program today, which is awesome.  I select the songs from my ipod and it adds it to the 5K program and a voice prompt coach will tell me when to walk and when to run.  Kinda cool, huh?  It's also very easy.  Just follow the instructions.

Sort of like with Jesus.  Just tune in, listen to the voice prompts and follow the instructions!  Except I find Jesus WAY more fun than exercise!

I passed an older gentleman with his beautiful silver Schnauzer on the path and in passing said "She is really well behaved", and I didn't hear his response but then what I did hear him say was "What Lola wants, Lola gets".  He smiled and we both continued on our ways.  Immediately the Lord said to me "What you desire deep within your heart, you will have".  I began declaring a job at home in Abilene for my husband, for him to be better paid than what he is now, and for him to be involved at church, and for Mike to be happy.

I continued on and soon I noticed a man walking about 1/4 of a mile ahead of me .  He was walking briskly but obviously having a difficult time with it.  I was listening to "People Get Ready" by Misty Edwards.  If you think Jesus music can't get your heart rate going, think again! Woooooooo!

While I was watching this man struggle a holy compassion swept over me and I started declaring that God would heal him, muscle would heal, ligaments would regenerate, and that his leg would even grow out and all pain would leave!  By the time I caught up to him we were approaching a bench and I stopped him and asked him about his leg.  His name is Alex and he used to be a runner.  He was in an accident a long time ago and injured his leg, and that he also has arthritis in his leg.  I asked him if his life would be better and would he be happy if he could run pain free again?  He said "Oh yes!"  Then I asked him if he was ok with me putting my hands on his injured leg and praying for it.  He sat on the bench and stretched out his leg, I prayed just as Jesus had prompted me just moments before. I felt led to declare that if he'd ever been told that one leg is shorter than the other that his other leg would grow out and be even with the other.  He just sat in stunned silence and when I was done he had tears of gratitude in his eyes.  Alex then told me that he felt heat from my hand on his leg while I was praying.  I told him God wanted to bless him today and then I kept on with my run.  About 3/4 of a mile down the path I stopped to stretch and he passed by me and stopped to say that a lot of the pain had left and he really felt better! A second time he marvelled that he had felt "energy" go from my hand to his leg.  I smiled and said "God wanted to meet with you today" and he continued on, grinning ear to ear.  Isn't God great!??

Not only did I exercise my body this morning but my faith.  God is so good and I am so blessed to be part of how he wants to change the world, one heart at a time.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Radically New

If you know me at all, you will know that I have very little of a life outside of my church, church friends, and my service in the church.  I am not boasting about this at all, it is merely a fact about myself. I have chosen this path because it is my sole (and soul!) desire to see revival fires burn throughout America and even all of North America; to radically change the way we "do" life, family, and church.

I've been listening to a lot of teachings lately. As many as I can get my hands on really.  I am hungry for more of God. To learn His ways, how to recognize Him, hear Him, to walk with Him and talk with Him.  To help me I've also been reading lots of books, too.  You'd be surprised how God can radically change your life when you cut out all the junk- tv shows, radio, modern entertainment.  

I read something very recently from a book by Ruth Ward Heflin published in 1999 called River Glory.  This passage put into words exactly how I've been feeling for awhile:

"God is doing new things, and I like that.  I have had many wonderful experiences in Him, but unless I am touched in a new way in every service, unless God reveals something to me that I have not known before, unless I have a fresh insight, unless I feel the quickening of His Spirit in new ways, I am not satisfied.  I am determined to keep reaching into the eternal realm of the Spirit of God, I insist on stepping into new liberty, I refuse to take a single step backward, and I continue to claim new territory in God.

God is doing things differently than we could have anticipated. He is sending revival in His own way and is calling for a people who will accept revival on His terms."

I am learning how to see and experience revival on Gods terms.  It's not necessarily going to look like what I want, but He knows what is best!  He knows what we truly need.

I encourage you to experience something new in Christ today.  If you don't pray, maybe start there. Talk to God. He wants a relationship with you.  Did you know he calls you friend?

Do you worship God at home?  Maybe put some music on and praise Him. Let God take you into a deep place of worship with Him.

Do something new.  Do something radically new.  Ask Him to take you there.  Do not be satisfied with the status quo, because just look around you. It's obviously not working. It's not working for you, your family, your city, or the nation.  My prayer for you today is that you to experience more of what God has for you today.

Bless you!

Friday, April 15, 2011

C is for Cookies!

I have such a sweet friend, her name is Laura.  She is so sweet & kind and loves the Lord. We minister together on Sunday nights at Champions Church. Her husband also works in the wind energy industry, so we have lots in common.  This last Tuesday I was unable to attend my regular Tuesday afternoon/evening ministry and prayer times, so Laura invited us over, but specifically invited Harrison over to bake cookies!  Can you guess how excited he was?!

We arrived around 10:45 am and had a great time talking while the kids watched a video and explored Laura's home.  Her house is beautiful!  They live on an acre plot in a very small development on Steamboat Mountain, just out of Abilene.  The area is about as perfect as it gets around here.  They are blessed!

Soon Harrison was ready to make some cookies, so I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story:

Harrison was thrilled that they were using butter!  He took
a big bite out of the first stick!

So proud to be the big helper

Quality control

Enjoying lunch and his dessert!

We stayed all day and had a wonderful time.  Harrison and Heidi both napped, although not as good a normal, but not bad considering it was the first time in someone elses home in a long time.  I always have fun with Laura and she is such a gracious host.  She's a wonderful Grandma to her 3 grandsons, and misses them terribly, so it is good for Heidi and Harrison to visit with her.  They already have 3 more recipes lined up for the next few visits!

In other news, there are really bad wild fires raging fairly close to home.  Homes have burned to the ground, and over half a million acres has burned up.  In San Angelo, where we once lived, the fires are really close to town and people are being evacuated.  A small town outside of Abilene called Rotan was evacuated yesterday due to another grass fire.  The grass is tall, the ground is dry, the humidity is very low, and the winds are crazy, non of which helps.  The temperatures are forecasted to soar to 100F on Monday & 98F on Tuesday.  Praying for rain, safety and relief for all involved.