Brace yourself because I have bigger news than that. Last week we had some friends over for dinner and as we were visiting and talking afterwards, our conversation drifted to running. I casually said that I'd like to run a half marathon but I was aiming for the end of next year. My sweet friend said that she had recently reviewed a half marathon training plan and was going to go for it this year, in November! I'm so proud of her.
It made me think though. After they left I was asking myself "why am I waiting until next year?" Carpe diem, sieze the day! So I texted her to say if she'd like the company then I'd train and run a the half with her in November. So crazy! We will be doing the Marathoning for Miracles race here in Abilene in support of Hendricks Hospital.
This is a huge goal for me. Running intimidates me, probably because most who run are super lean and fit and seem to do it effortlessly. That's not me. But I'm still a runner and I still have goals. Basically the half marathon is one step on the way to my ultimate goal which is to complete an Ironman by the time I am 35. Go Momma!
Haven't had much time for blogging since Mike has been away in Washington. To be more accurate he is living and working in Oregon. He flew into Washington, which is literally across the Columbia river. So saying either place is fairly safe. He is doing well at work, enjoying most days, and we are both so very grateful for the provision God has for us in this season. Mike has been promoted at work and now supervises a 5-6 man crew. I'm so proud of you honey!
My days are filled to the max with caring for our 2 lovely children. As challenging and temperamental as they can be it is mostly fun and always rewarding. It is exhausting though, I'm not going to sugar coat it! It's tough being a "single" parent. Thankfully I do not carry all the burden that a single parent does. I am still blessed to stay home with them, instead of having to work to provide. I definitely have much respect and compassion for all the single parents out there who still manage to make their kids their top priority.
We are mostly settled into our new house. I am totally loving the neighborhood and being 3 minutes to our church. I am sure I will like it even more once I have a jogging stroller with which to run around the neighborhood with. We are hoping that the finances will be there in July for us to finally move all of our belongings to Texas from Alberta. What a glorious day it will be when all of us and all of our stuff will be unpacked in the same household. My heart aches for it!
Burnett Swim Club
after a hard day at swimming
self portrait - Heidi didn't really get the idea!