Thursday, June 23, 2011

Joggedy Jog, Bloggedy Blog

You read that right!! I'm jogging again.  Actually I like to picture myself as a runner.  I know I'm not quite there yet, but it's what I like to picture.  I have started training for another triathlon race - I'm so very, very excited about this.  My first race in Texas and the USA, second race ever.  It is September 11 in Grande Prairie, TX (part of the DFW metroplex).  I even have a friend wanting to train and race too - even more exciting!!

Brace yourself because I have bigger news than that.  Last week we had some friends over for dinner and as we were visiting and talking afterwards, our conversation drifted to running.  I casually said that I'd like to run a half marathon but I was aiming for the end of next year.  My sweet friend said that she had recently reviewed a half marathon training plan and was going to go for it this year, in November!  I'm so proud of her.

It made me think though.  After they left I was asking myself "why am I waiting until next year?"  Carpe diem, sieze the day!  So I texted her to say if she'd like the company then I'd train and run a the half with her in November. So crazy! We will be doing the Marathoning for Miracles race here in Abilene in support of Hendricks Hospital.

This is a huge goal for me.  Running intimidates me, probably because most who run are super lean and fit and seem to do it effortlessly.  That's not me.  But I'm still a runner and I still have goals.  Basically the half marathon is one step on the way to my ultimate goal which is to complete an Ironman by the time I am 35. Go Momma!

Haven't had much time for blogging since Mike has been away in Washington.  To be more accurate he is living and working in Oregon.  He flew into Washington, which is literally across the Columbia river.  So saying either place is fairly safe.  He is doing well at work, enjoying most days, and we are both so very grateful for the provision God has for us in this season.  Mike has been promoted at work and now supervises a 5-6 man crew.  I'm so proud of you honey!

My days are filled to the max with caring for our 2 lovely children.  As challenging and temperamental as they can be it is mostly fun and always rewarding.  It is exhausting though, I'm not going to sugar coat it!  It's tough being a "single" parent.  Thankfully I do not carry all the burden that a single parent does.  I am still blessed to stay home with them, instead of having to work to provide.  I definitely have much respect and compassion for all the single parents out there who still manage to make their kids their top priority.

We are mostly settled into our new house.  I am totally loving the neighborhood and being 3 minutes to our church.  I am sure I will like it even more once I have a jogging stroller with which to run around the neighborhood with.  We are hoping that the finances will be there in July for us to finally move all of our belongings to Texas from Alberta. What a glorious day it will be when all of us and all of our stuff will be unpacked in the same household.  My heart aches for it!

Burnett Swim Club


after a hard day at swimming

self portrait - Heidi didn't really get the idea!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Letter J

I just played this silly game on facebook:

Letter J...
Like: jewellery
Dislike: junk
Someone I Like: Jesus
Something bad: jealousy
Like and you get a letter

then it sparked a random thought.  I've been working on the "I dislike junk" statement - A LOT lately, especially since moving again.

I think that everyone has "that" place.  The counter that never stays clean and clear, or my personal pet peeve - the drawer of random odds and ends, the infamous JUNK drawer!  I'm not exactly sure when the need for clean came into my life because I know I wasn't always the tidiest child/adolescent (sorry Mom & Dad.)  Probably when I became a home owner for the first time, if I had to guess.  I really can't stand to see "junk" laying around.  It actually may be a very valuable item but if it is out of place and looks like clutter, it has to go! If you have ever seen the tv show Hoarders that is one of my worst nightmares!

My husband will attest to my motto: "Everything has it's place".  

I know especially as a mom and the keeper of the home it can be hard and even over-whelming to stay on top of the constant clutter.  My solution? Another motto: One thing at a time.  This applies to everyone in our home.  Use one thing at a time. When you're done, put it away. No coloring until the cars are put up.  Finish the laundry before starting another task (unless efficiently multi-tasking, the key being efficiently otherwise it is better to stick to one thing at a time.)

I specifically like how one thing at a time applies to helping clean up the clutter!  That huge counter covered with stuff looks over-whelming and it would be so easy to just put it off. Simply start by picking up one item and finding it's home.  I find it really makes a difference to deal with the mess in pieces instead of as a whole. Before you know it you have your space back!

That brings me to the end of my random thought.  Just say no to junk, ok?  Today's inspiration was brought to you today by the letter J!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sink or Swim

Oh. My.

Harrison loves his swim lessons! I thought he'd like them but I wasn't expecting he'd really LOVE them.  His teacher Ms. Stacey is awesome.  She is great with the kids, relates to them on their level and is patient yet firm; all qualities of an excellent teacher in my opinion!

There are 6 kids in Harrison's class, ages 3-5.  He looks like one of the tallest/oldest but he barely qualified age wise to take the lessons this year.  Everyone wears a floaty belt for the first 15 minutes of the lesson then they get the option to swim without their belts.

Well, of course Harrison chose "no belt" and jumped into the arms of his teacher from the ledge.  Then while another child was having their turn (when he was supposed to be hanging on to the edge of the pool) he decided to try again, without the teacher.  Under he went.  I panicked initially until I saw that both Ms. Stacey and the lifeguard were both springing to action.  I'm actually glad that he did it on the first day so that from now on he might be a little more careful!

Here's to 3 more weeks of great progress & fun!

Getting his belt on

patiently waiting his turn

what a cute class!

not quite getting the idea of "big" kicks

pulling himself out of the pool

chasing after the ball

just before he went under (no belt)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Moving Day: Take7

What a crazy week this was for our little family!  God showed up in a few major ways - love it when He does that!

On Thursday Mike and I were literally sitting around, each on a computer job searching that afternoon.  We were really expecting Mike to be home for awhile since he just returned from 2 months in Colorado. His phone rang and he had the strangest conversation that went something like this:
(I'll paraphrase)

Caller: "Hello Mike? Sorry we got cut off."

Mike: "Uh.... that's ok" he said very confused since he wasn't on the phone with anyone

Caller: "This is Mike Burnett right?  I was just talking with you and we got disconnected."

Mike: "Well this is Mike but we weren't talking."

Caller turns out to be Mike's boss: "Well what's your phone number? (Mike replies)  Yes, that's the number I wrote down as we were talking earlier.  Either way, I guess it's your lucky day.  Are you ready to head out to work?  I need you to leave for Pasco, Washington Sunday morning."

How funny is that!?!  He was talking to a totally different person but wrote down Mike's exact phone number and called Mike when he lost connection with the other person.  That's God's favor!!  Mike is not excited about leaving home again, especially so soon.  He was only home for 10 days, and is projected to be gone 3+ months.  He will only be 9 hours away from my parents!!  Hopefully once our van is repaired we will go visit him and do some camping with Grandma & Grandpa.

So this Saturday we had to RUSH our move.  Awesome friends from church pitched in, helped us move, and were so thoughtful and brought us lunch and dinner.  We got everything transferred in a 1/2 day! God is so good to us.

Dropping Mike off at the airport was traumatic as usual.  I bawled, Harrison screamed with hot tears and Heidi joined right in with us.  He arrived safely last night, picked up his work truck and settled into his hotel.  Thank goodness for internet and Skype, right?

Today is Monday and we are getting ready to head off to swim lessons!  Harrison is my little PIKE.  So excited for him.  You bet I'm going to be the Mom on the sidelines taking 1001 photos!

Happy Monday, y'all!!