Ok, so especially since Jesus himself said it, I am going to believe that the Kingdom of God is here on Earth. Period. AND that we will see Gods will done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Sounds simple, right? It is!
What is in Heaven? Past the gold, jewels, angels, rejoicing etc... Maybe it's easier to ask what's NOT in Heaven? Is there pain? sadness? divorce? violence? sickness? disease? NO!!!
So, then I am going to live my life by the word and promises of God. As Jesus commands in Matthew 10:8, I will go and announce to the people {the lost} that the Kingdom of Heaven has come. I will heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. For God has given this power and authority to me freely, so freely I will give it away!
So what was written on my heart?
1. to see believers grasp the power and authority that the death of Jesus has already paid for. {so much more than the initial salvation from sins!}
2. to heal the sick. not pray for them, not comfort them. To give them back their inheritance!
3. to build up the church through prophetic words {hearing from God in the moment for the edification of all who see and hear}
How did I arrive at this point? Well, to be honest, I was stuck in a rut and simply believed that there had to be something better. As I write this, I am sort of giggling because the Father has made such divine appointments for me since I arrived that is makes me smile!! He knew where I'd be, the conversations I'd have with people etc. It's really awesome.
Before our house was ready to move into I was staying with a dear friend. We were getting into a late night discussion about our faith, and what we'd like to see God do in Abilene. She says "I have this movie we should watch". My life has not been the same since then!! She shared with me the Finger of God documentary that has captured some amazing footage of miracles and healings across the globe. It was exactly what I needed to catapult my faith to the next level!! If you feel like there is something more in life, I strongly recommend you watch the DVD with an open heart and mind. It made me realize that I had put God in such a small box, but that night the box was burned up and consumed by a MUCH bigger God!! Praise the Lord!
Bill Johnson is pretty famous for saying something like "Signs and wonders are supposed to be a normal part of a believers life. They should be a daily, natural occurrence. We need to be concerned when they are not." {sorry, this is very paraphrased!}
I agree, and that is what I am in Abilene, Texas fighting for! The enemy has made us so numb to his lies and way of life that we start to question the miracles that happened in biblical times instead of questioning why they aren't happening now!!
Grow your faith and spend some time reading and watching testimonies from places with incredible breakthrough in these areas! Here are a few links that I like to visit to see what God is doing so that I can believe He will do that here too!
- Bethel Church, Redding California (written testimony) and (video testimony)
- The Healing Herald
- and local in Abilene from Beltway Baptist Church